Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Sad goodbye and a question

Oke so I haven’t been on blogger for some time now and mostly that was because I was on our annual winter sport vacation with the fam. it was great fun and I even got to ride y one dog sled! witch was an amazing experience. Unfortunately when we were traveling back home our oldest dog died in the car with us.. she had a weak hart for quite some time now but it’s still a big los.. and I was quite devastated. She was the most easiest dog you could have and I’m glad to say that she got to see a lot of the world considering she always came with us on our holiday’s. She will be missed every single day!

Rest in peace my dear friend
Franca Vlak


I was hoping I could do a scene with her in it. But she had such a special coat of fur that finding a miniature dog like her is very hard! So I would like to ask you guys to help me!
If you guys find a miniature dog that looks a little bit like her please let me know!

I hope to be inspired to do some miniatures soon. But I can’t make any promises!

Mini hugs Mandy

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Be mine....

Happy valentine’s day everyone!

Mini*Aesthetics was organizing a challenge:

Design a scene around some holiday or observance in February (Valentine's Day, Wear Red for Women, Chinese New Year)

And here’s what I came up with!

Our lady of the house is being surprised bij her man!

When she enters the door there’s a trail of rose leafs and candles that she, according to the note must follow.

 On the end of the trail she finds two roses for her. Two cocktails and a heart made out of rose petals.
In the sitting area her love put two heart shaped pastries and some hot coffee
Isn’t that a sweat gesture who know what ells he might be planning maybe a marriage proposal..? or something else let your imagination run wild what do you think that will happen here tonight?

Mini hugs Mandy